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Joy Wreaths presents this sparkling glittering handmade advent Christmas Candle centrepiece with 4 mini candles. A wonderful way to begin the Christmas season with this enchanted playful glittering eco-conscious Australian wood slab decorated with micro-pinecones, earthy green faux foliage, red & blue winter berries, and icicle-touched bristle branches. 
In the middle is a gorgeous burnt orange colour glass blown bauble surrounded by 4 small porcelain candle holders so you can add any candle combinations you feel like each new Christmas. 
This wooden board has small felt-covered stumps fixed on its bottom to elegantly elevate the decoration so it sits nicely atop your coffee or dinner table without scratching. 
Handmade with love in Melbourne.


You can also buy this piece on our Etsy store.

4 candle Handmade Glittering Advent Wreath in burnt orange, copper & gold

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